Now Available on Pre-order: E-book Edition of Curse of the Maestro and Other Stories by GT Walker
The e-book edition of Curse of the Maestro and Other Stories by GT Walker is now available on Kindle . The book will be released on Halloween. For other posts about GT Walker and his book, click HERE . Want to buy Ken's books and not have to pay for them? Ask your local library to purchase and shelve it. Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date) Follow MSI Press on Twitter , Face Book , and Instagram . Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC? We help writers become award-winning published authors. One writer at a time. We are a family, not a factory. Do you have a future with us? Turned away by other publishers because you are a first-time author and/or do not have a strong platform yet? If you have a strong manuscript, San Juan Books, our hybrid publishing division, may be able to help. Chec...