
Publisher's Pride: Books on Bestseller Lists - One Family: Indivisible (Greenebaum)

  Today's Publisher's Pride is  One Family Indivisible  by Steven Greenebaum, which reached #88 in Unitarian Universalism, #148 among the top Amazon sellers in the category of Christian ecumenism and #416 in Jewish biographies. Book Description: Throughout history we have divided ourselves into groupings of "us" and "them".  One Family: Indivisible  engagingly invites the reader into the deeply spiritual and lifelong journey of the author to find a way to acknowledge our differences without dividing and subdividing ourselves into competing tribes. It is a journey of mountain tops and deep valleys, but it leads to the inclusivity and mutual respect possible with Interfaith. This is a book for seekers of all races, ethnicities, and spiritual paths who search for that elusive goal of a community of love and inclusion that also respects our diversity. AWARDS Eric Hoffer Award Category Finalist, American Book Fest Best Books Award Finalist (religion) For more pos...

Tip #60 from 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents (McKinley & Trombly) - Parents' Role

   Today's tip for parents from two talented teachers comes from  365 Teacher Secrets for Parents  by Cindy McKinley Alder and Patti Trombly. #60 Your Role   You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.  ~Oliver Goldsmith               Your child is in school about 6 1/2 hours a day. His teacher is responsible for helping him learn during this time for about 180 days a year. There is the same number of days each year that your child does not have a schoolteacher to help him. However, he does have a teacher—YOU!             You are your child’s first teacher, guiding him first to walk and talk and then later to read and write and more. Learning is continuous and does not end when your child walks out of his school building. In fact, it can be just getting started. There is so much you can do at home to supplement what yo...

Caturday: Happy Cat, Happy Life (Charnas)

  a happy Shenan (CB) lounging with a happy Murjan  March 1 and business taxes loom big: due the Ides of March. (Not a very perspicacious day....) So, I thought I would give myself a little extra time, not prepare a new column of my own making, and simply share a delightful youtube video by one of our authors, Joanna Charnas. She says, " Happy Cat, Happy Life! " An oldie, but goodie! Enjoy! For more Caturday posts, click HERE .   For more posts about Joanna and her award-winning books, click  HERE .    For book reviews, interviews, videos, and more, check out Joanna's title pages at the MSI Press website:  100 Tips and Tools for Managing Chronic Illness,   A Movie Lover's Search for Romance ,  Living Well with Chronic Illness   and  Tips, Tools, and Anecdotes to Help during a Pandemic . To purchase copies of any MSI Press book at 25% discount, use code FF25 at  MSI Press webstore . Want to read an MSI Press book and not have to...

Book Jewel of the Month: Road Map to Power

  What is a book jewel? A sometimes-overlooked book with remarkable insight and potential significance. Each month, we share near-daily, or as often as possible, reviews of the monthly book jewel - short, succinct reviews that can be read in 1-2 minutes with links to the reviewer by reviewers whose words are worthy of being heard and whose opinions are worthy of being considered. Sometimes a couple of minutes contains more impressive thought than ten times that many. We will let you decide that. This month's book jewel is  Road Map to Power  by Syed and Darius Husain . Description What is the true source of authentic power? Offering a detour from the dead end of this "buy more, be more" culture, the authors demonstrate why the traditional routes to power are accessible only for an elite few. Wrapping warm, profound stories of empowerment around an extensive body of research, Road Map to Power is your guide to a life of dignity, satisfaction, and happiness. keywords: authe...