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Excerpt from One SImple Text.... (Shaw & Brown): Back to the Woods

photo:              A nurse named Ally carried a big, white binder into Elizabeth’s room. It contained, according to Ally, all the information I would need to help me understand what to expect in the coming days and weeks. As Ally guided me through the binder, the truth that Elizabeth was not yet out of the woods—not even close—began to sink in. My heart pounded in my throat, and tears gathered at the corners of my eyes. “Just take it hour by hour,” Ally told me, just as the TRU nurse had.   I learned about the two critical periods in the early recovery for a person with a brain injury. The initial critical period when injuries may be so bad that they cause death, even with the best care, occurs the first day or two after the injury. Those who survive this period face another critical period a few days later, lasting for approximately two more weeks during which time the brain may swell and complications occur at any time. Elizabeth had now entered i

Cancer Diary: Blogs with Real Answers to Caregivers and Family Members of Dying Patients

  Although it is often difficult to find time to read while coping with cancer or providing care to loved ones with cancer, following one or more blogs on cancer and interacting with them can bring helpful information and peace of mind.  Here is a list of cancer blogs from the CCC. AONN+ Blog Meant for nurses, the topics in  this blog  are nonetheless helpful for any caregiver, such as this one on  compassion fatigue . There does not seem to be a search function, so you may need to sift through the topics to get to the ones you might find helpful, but the topics can be seen at a glance so it is not unduly time-consuming. Cancer Compass This is not a blog per se but rather an  informational message board  seeking to individualize and personalize information and care. Cancer Support Community Blog This blog  addresses specific cancers on a personal level, includes posts on multiple facets of cancer, and is very easily searched. (One cancer that it does not address is cancer of unknown pr

Daily Excerpt: Surviving Freshman Year (Jones) - Sunday Lunch

  Excerpt from Surviving Freshman Year by Gregory Jones -  Sunday Lunch             Austin barely got to work on time. He had been out late the night before with Brandon and some others they met through a college-age Bible study sponsored by a local church they attended. Austin usually went to church with his family on Christmas and Easter but had never been a regular attender. Brandon had invited him, and it seemed like a good way to make new friends. Austin was enjoying the study and had made new friends, and they had enjoyed a fantastic game of capture the flag the night before. They had gathered at the church playground, which bordered an open field and a wilderness trail. The students had divided into two groups with each group choosing a base on opposite sides of the church. The object of the game was simple: The first group to get the other team’s flag and return it to the spot where their flag was located would be the winner. What made this really fun was the inclusion of wa

Daily Excerpt: God Speaks into Darkness (Easterling) - How Long, O Lord? (Inspired by Psalm 13)

  Excerpt from God Speaks into Darkness How Long, O Lord? Inspired by Psalm 13 Think back over your life journey to mountains you’ve climbed and valleys you’ve encountered. You have found your share of troubles—or they found you, right? Have you noticed that when trouble comes, it often brings cousins and friends? Yesterday the birds were singing. Today even family and best friends are missing. Your body, mind, and spirit capsized. You sent out SOS signals; yet no one responded--and there’s no lighthouse in sight. In times like this, have you ever voiced the Psalmist’s lament, “How Long, O Lord will this last? Have you forgotten me? Will it be forever?” The Psalmist in this classic prayer is uttering a universal cry: “How long will you forget me, Lord? Will it be forever? How long will you look the other way while I’m suffering, feeling all alone and abandoned? How long will this sorrow fill my heart day and night? How long will my enemies triumph over me? Is this permanent, Lord?” Ye

Daily Excerpt: Understanding the Challenge of "No" for Children with Autism (McNeil) - When No Means Yes

  Excerpt from Understanding the Challenge of "No" for Children with Autism (McNeil) - Chapter 3 When No Means Yes   Augustus One Summer Day in a Class for Elementary School Students with Autism Story originally printed in Autism Parenting Magazine, June, 2017    “Good work, Josiah. You are all done! Let’s check your schedule.” Josiah smiles brightly and hurries to his schedule, knowing swimming is next. As he and Miss Leaky walk through the quietly bustling classroom, a small voice calls out, “Miss Leaky, swimming?”  “Yes, Augustus, first work then swimming. Hurry up and finish your work.”  Augustus smiles and continues working. Miss Leaky and Josiah walk outside and across the courtyard to the restroom.  Returning, the pair is met with a commotion of loud crying, pounding noises, and the sight of Augustus lying on his back kicking his feet.  Miss Leaky inquires, “What happened?” Miss Ellie shares, “Augustus is mad because he was not allowed to go with Miss Alan to get read