Daily Excerpt: A Movie Lover's Search for Romance (Charnas) - Losing My Mind
Excerpt from A Movie Lover's Search for Romance - ADRIEN: LOSING MY MIND Early this spring my friend Candace called to tell me she had recorded the previous night’s episode of Saturday Night Live for me. She explained that the object of my “crush” and winner of this year’s Academy Award for Best Actor, Adrien Brody, had hosted the show. Not wanting to be unkind, I thanked her for the thoughtfulness but felt compelled to correct her. “I think we need to call this by its proper name: my pathetic, middle-aged, divorcée’s crush.” Candace, knowing the truth when she heard it, didn’t argue the point. How did I, at the age of forty-three, find myself with a serious crush on this particular young actor? I ask myself this often. I’ve been in love with movies for thirty years. I easily passed for eighteen by the time I started high school, and I could gain entry into any film I wanted to see without an adult escort. During my adolescence, I planned all my free time around movies. I saw