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Daily Excerpt: Understanding the People around You - Preface

Excerpt from  Understanding the People around You  (Filatova) -  Preface The  modern man is a communi c a to r. Ev er y day w e come in con t act with dozens, sometimes e v en hundreds of peop l e, from our friends to comp l e te stran g ers. T he eff ici en cy of our bus i ness, as w e ll as our social au th ori ty , l eisure sa tis f acti on, comfor t and relaxation at home depend on our ability to communicate with business partners, coll ea g ues, friends, rela tiv es and ju st casual acquaintances. I w ou l d e v en pre- fer to say «the ar t of communica t ion» instead of «abili ty to communica t e», be c ause true communi c a t ion is a crea tiv e act ra th er than a craf t skill. O ne c an master rules of co ur tesy , bu t th e y are no t enou g h to understand peop l e ’ s mo tivati on, to predict th e i r reaction to our words and deeds. T oo often w e presume tha t