
Showing posts matching the search for socionics

Introducing Dr. Kacee Quinelle, MSI Press Author

  Dr. Kacee Quinelle (pseudonym) is a long-time friend of Dr. Ekaterina Filatova, author of the popular   Understanding the People around You: An Introduction to Socionics . Katya, a prolific author in Russia, had wanted to bring alive the various aspects of socionics once her first book had been published in the USA, but she unfortunately passed away before she was able to do that. Kac ee has undertaken the 16 follow-on small volumes, one on each socion (personality type), envisioned by her friend, Katya. The first four volumes in this series have been released. Others are in progress.         

A Publisher's Conversation with Authors: Favorite Stories from the Book Publishing Experience - the Bizarre, the Heartwarming, the Surprising

  It is Tuesday. Monday's madness is over, and Wednesday will take us over the hump, so Tuesday it is--for some serious discussion with authors. Tuesday talks mean to address authors in waiting and self-published authors who would like to go a more traditional route or who would at least like to take their steps with a publisher by their side.  Today's topic digresses -- into the absurd, perhaps. Today, I sent for the third time, ARC labels to wone of our authors. The first time the labels disappeared. The second time, they were inexplicably directed to an IRS office in another state. Totally insane! Fingers crossed for a safe arrival this time. Today's experience reminded me of other unexpected, funny, and heartwarming experiences that have occurred over the 20 years MSI Press has been publishing. Here are some of my favorite, somewhat inexplicable stories. When You're Shoved from the Right, Look to Your Left: Metaphors of Islamic Humanism is a great little book, trul

Women's History Month: Recommended Romance & Relationship Books

Well, these books may not reflect women's history, but they feature women and are great reading. And, uh, Road to Damascus actually does contain some Syrian history (and view of Syria in a more peaceful time). So, for reading pleasure, we recommend that women take some time out for relaxation and check out these books in paperback or ebook format. Paperback out of stock at Amazon? Get it for 25% off (coupon code FF25) at our webstore . 57 Steps to Paradise Looking for love in your 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and yes, even your 80's or 90's? 57 STEPS TO PARADISE will help you navigate dating in midlife and beyond. Lorenz unzips her soul and exposes her foibles during 50 years of men weaving their way in and out of her life, providing a heap of wit and wisdom to help you make life-changing decisions about love and, perhaps, a life partner. A Movie Lover's Search for Romance A diverting and informative story of searching for love in mid-life by a divorced social

MSI Press Authors, Where Are They? Dr. Ekaterina Filatova (St. Petersburg, Russia)

  There is not a name in Socionics better known than Filatova. She nearly singlehandedly brought the field of Socionics (Jungian typology, manifest in the West as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) to the public in the East.-- and with her book, Understanding the People around You , to the public in the West. Shown here with some of her colleagues and the managing editor of the MSI Press, she was beloved by her students at St. Petersburg State University.  Speaking of St. Petersburg, Russia, if you have not visited this city that has much in common with Europe, especially Venice, please enjoy these pictures . And if you do not know the story of this historically significant and heroic city, check out this article . If you want to search out more articles on your own, remember that St. Petersburg, named for its founder, Peter the Great, has also been called Leningrad and before that Petrograd and is affectionally referred to by Russians today as Piter (pronounced Peeter).  For more inform

Cat Personalities: Opposite Best Friends Murjan and Intrepid

  Carl and Murjan sharing a Thanksgiving dinner Gaudete Sunday is coming up--an oasis in Lent, and, like other Sundays, a time we can eat a full meal! If our beloved Murjan were still with us, he would be perching on his chair next to Carl (wish he, too, were still with us, 2021 stole two beloved members of our family), savoring the smells of the fat of the land (well, maybe, of pancakes -- he at those, too), and patiently (yes, he was a patient cat, almost humanly patient) for his share of the feast to be chopped up and presented for his enjoyment. Each of our cats had quite different personalities, but the two that stand in stark contrast to each other are Murjan and Intrepid . They were both born in Jordan, lived with us there, and came to California with us 15 years ago. Both are now on the other side of the rainbow bridge, ravaged by the same kind of cancer, feline lymphoma. Intrepid is interred with his devoted human to whom he was equally devoted, Carl, and Murjan's ashes

Recently Released: Audiobook Version of Understanding the People around You (Filatova)

Recently released - the audiobook for Understanding the People around You by Dr. Ekaterina Filatova This book is an English-language update of the author's popular book on Jung's people types. The field of socionics is fully covered in this book; the author is one of the leading socionists in Russia/Europe. The examples and discussions are written for the everyday reader though specialists will also find them helpful. This popular book now has a spin-off series,  Socionics in Everyday Life , with a small book dedicated to further delineating each personality type in the original book. The spin-off series is being written (two books published, two books in production, 12 more planned) by Kacee Quinelle, friend of Ekaterina Filatova, in memory of "Katya" who died in 2015. For more posts about Dr. Ekaterina Filatova and her book, click HERE . Purchase the paperback at discount from the  MSI Press webstore . Use Coupon Code FF25 for 25% off. Sign up for the MSI Press LLC

Books for Valentine Day: Socionics' Gift to Healthy Relationships

The Filatova - Quinelle series of socionics books are just right for Valentine Day. The "big book" by Filatova provides an overview of personality types and how they work in relationships. The "little books" by Quinelle probe more deeply one individual personality style; the little books are meant for the lay reader, not for the psychologist and are easy to understand. The big book reaches out to both lay readers and psychologists. Quinelle has completed four little books, with three more in the works. In time, all 16 socions (psychology types) will have their own little book. The published little books are shown below.                                                                                                                       Coming soon: Understnading the Performer Understanding the Professional Understanding the Romantic For a brief overview of the 16 types, check out this post . (For the full descriptions, read Katya's bo

Guest Post by Kacee Quinelle (Author of Understanding Personalities Series): Personalities -- Resources for Understanding Them, Coping with Them, Benefiting from Them in Learning and in Life

  Whether you slice the diversity pie into socionic types, MBTI types, or use one of the several other personality tests for your pie-cutting tool, the bottom line is that people differ from each other -- and some differ dramatically from each other -- which makes developing happy relationships complex. They also make teaching a class complex, leading a work team complex, commanding a military unit complex. Wherever there are people, complexities abound. These complexities can be managed and even used to advantage IF one understands them. There is much literature on the MBTI; I will not go into that here.  As they say, just google it. What I want to do here is put readers to some excellent but little-known works (theory, observation, research) by specialists published by MSI Press LLC and available wherever fine books are sold -- and at 25% discount at its website, with coupon code FF25. Some of these use the MBTI as a basis of discussion, but most use the socionics model developed and

Daily Excerpt: Understanding the Seeker (Quinelle) - The Seeker at Home

  Today's daily excerpt comes from Understanding the Seeker (Kacee Quinelle)  Chapter 6 The Seeker at Home We have spoken briefly about the home behavior of the Seeker. He or she is no homemaker and is all too frequently oblivious to health and hearth. These traits—and others—create a home climate that differs quite significantly from that of many other personality types. When the other members of the household are also Seekers, the traits are intensified. When the other members of the household are not Seekers, conflicts are multiplied.* House and Housework Given the Seeker’s lack of interest and skill in homemaking activities, the house can become quickly untidy and not at all a cozy place, especially if the spouse and children are all Seekers. Fortunately, for most households, this is not likely. The Seeker personality is not common enough that one would expect to find it in grand distribution among any groups. Still, certainly, there can be more than one Seeker in a family. Wh

Book Alert: The Invisible Foreign Language Classroom: Bringing Hidden Dynamics to Light for Individual and Group Harmony and Success

Released today! An in-depth guide for teachers seeking to understand dysfunctional classrooms and create a mathemagenic experience. A unique resource, based on experience with thousands of language learners. Based on Jungian psychology, using MBTI categories (with a passing reference to equivalents in Socionics), this book presents an explanation behind dysfunctional language classrooms (though much could apply to any K-16 classroom) and provides a heuristic for managing the classroom successfully. For each MBTI type, there is a section posing a teacher of that type and a classroom of randomly gathered types (as in real life). A discussion follows as to the source of any dysfunction, the way to accommodate all learners, an exploration of the probable comfort level of that teacher, and a posed question as to what would be the case if the class were the same but the teacher the polar opposite. Meant for application by teachers and for use in faculty development, it is a book that t