
Book Alert: Dia de Muertos

Released yesterday! El Día de Muertos es una celebración muy importante, popular y solemne en San Juan Bautista, California, y en la Antigua Misión de San Juan Bautista, una de las misiones establecidas por los frailes franciscanos cuando se fundó California, y hogar de la gata parroquial, Sula. La comida, la oración y el recuerdo son parte de la celebración, al igual que las procesiones al cementerio. Sula es la gata muy querida de la Antigua Misión de San Juan Bautista, California, donde ministra a los feligreses y visitantes diariamente, una labor divina. Este libro es su sexto. Meet Sula on her Face Book page HERE . Book is available on line and at our webstore . Code FF25 gets a 25% discount at MSI Press webstore. 

Book Review: Blest Atheist

An oldie but goodie...and the kinds of things that never change but always inspire. This is an amazing read. Even if you aren’t interesting in God or religion this book is inspiring and beautiful. Many lives have been changed through Mahlou’s work, and I think maybe will be changed by this book. This is a must read. Read the rest of the review by Katie at the I t's Time to Read blog .

Introducing TL Brink, MSI Press Author

TL Brink TL Brink is the author of  How to Argue with an Atheist: How to Win the Argument without Losing the Person . T.L. Brink is a social scientist and author of fifteen books, two dozen encyclopedia articles, and hundreds of journal articles, reviews and conference presentations. His main topics of interest include clinical assessment and treatment of mental disorders in later life, religious phenomena, cancer attitudes, consumer behavior, qualitative research methods, and Big Data Analytics using Bayesian Sequential Statistics. He has degrees from Claremont Men’s College, San Jose State University, Santa Clara University and the University of Chicago. He has been a member of the Association for Psychological Science, American Psychological Association, American Sociological Association, Western Psychological Association, Western Positive Psychology Association, Midwestern Psychological Association, International Council of Psychologists, Sociedad Interamericana de Psicol

Introducing Julia Aziz, MSI Press Author

Julia Aziz Julia Aziz is a licensed clinical social worker and a mother of three children. She is also an accomplished speaker on topics such as “The Soul of Service,” “Holding Intention While Jugging It All,” and “Motherself,” a monthly mother’s group. In addition to this personal and professional experience in working through motherhood transitions, she has also written for and served as general editor for  Dovetail Journal  for interfaith families. She shares her motherhood observations, both professional and personal, in her book,  Lessons of Labor: One Woman’s Self-Discovery through Birth and Motherhood . Read Julia's posts and information about Julia on this blog. Click HERE .

Introducing Wally Amidon, MSI Press Author

Wally Amidon Wally grew up wherever his father was stationed during his U. S. Air Force career. When his father was overseas, Wally stayed with his grandmother who was a great storyteller. Listening to the way she made stories come alive made Wally feel as if he had really been there. As he grew older, he began to write down things that made him either laugh or cry and tried to make them as real as possible. Sometimes, he finds it easier to escape into his own little world and create things he wishes were true but never can be. He knows people need an escape from reality at times so he decided to make his writings public.In his book,  The Musings of a Carolina Yankee , there are some true stories and there are some stories he doesn’t know where they came from, but he wrote them in order for readers to have fun and join him on his journey. Like his father, Wally served in the US Air Force; his military service came during the Vietnam conflict. Wally grew up in New Hampshire and

Author in the News: Susan Lewis Is Interviewed about the Unabomber on Crime TV

Why did Ted Kazynski fo the hospital as a child and why was he different when he got out? That was the question that Crime TV asked three experts, including Dr. Susan Lewis, JD, author of From Deep Within . Read her response at Crime TV.

Book Review: 57 Steps to Happiness (Lorenz)

 "Guaranteed to advise as well as amuse..." says the US Review of Books. Click the yes to read the remainder of the review -- the book was RECOMMENDED.   👀   Read about the other HERE .