Excerpt from Reverend Steven Greenebaum's book, One Family Indivisible : Introduction This is a spiritual memoir, not an autobiography. I will, in good faith, include everything I can remember that reflects on my spiritual journey — whether it reflects flatteringly upon me or not. By the same token, things that seem to me to have no spiritual relevance will not be included, whether they reflect flatteringly on me or not. I realize all this is subject both to memory and my own sense of what’s important. There’s no escaping that. When I talk about other people, the reader should know that if I call someone Joe Smith, then the person’s name is Joe Smith. If I refer to a person as “someone I’ll call Joe Smith,” it means that the person is real, but for reasons of privacy I’m not going to use their actual name. What I can pledge is that what I say is what I remember — no tweaks or embellishments. Speaking of memory, I have an important admission to make. From the time I was a...