A Touch of the South

For those attracted by the charm of the South, check out the following MSI publications:

Abandoned, neglected and beaten by a mother who really did care about her but suffered from her own demons and addictions, left with friends and relatives, as well as placed in foster homes, molested and raped on more than one occasion, including by men considered upright, the little girl who grew up to become an educator, minister, and entrepreneur learned to survive by running away again and again. This heartbreaking and heartwarming story, told with courageous frankness, reveals a deep trust in God that, in the long run, promoted an unbelievable resilience, allowing a young girl, turned young woman, to forgive those who hurt her and to reach out to all those who hurt with a message of healing and hope.

For more posts by and about Gewanda and her book, click HERE.

A heaping slice of old-fashioned Southern storytelling, this book gives readers a taste of genuine American life that will keep them coming back for more. Join the journey as a preacher's kid survives his father's stern discipline, rattlesnakes, and harvesting okra. The deep-fried characters are unforgettable, and the furry and feathered folks will steal the heart of animal lovers. Soaked in faith, people survived the lean, mean times, thanks to the velvet hearts they carried under their calluses, hard work, the good sense to laugh at themselves, and, often, the hand of God. What a delightful legacy they left us! Once you pick up this book, you'll be pleading, "Don't stop now and don't ever grow up!"

For more posts by and about Bennett and his books, click HERE.

Take a slow ride down a country road and let your mind and spirit find the peace of a wooded wonderland. Stop along the way and listen to the quiet. Read some pretty funny stories about things that happen in nature, with animals, and during hunting season. Encounter some eccentric folks, including Bingo Drake, Rattler & Tiny, and the Hunkering Heckler. Find out how a skunk ends up in a living room and why a deer wears a red dress. Chuckle at the rambunctious pranks of growing-up boys, and be awed at what happens between soldiers on opposite sides of the Berlin Wall at Christmastime. Learn what a "hoss bite" is and what goes on at the "Bobblehead Babtist Church." At the end of it all, discover what a redneck really is. Author Wally Amidon grew up living wherever his father was stationed during his Air Force career. When he was overseas, he stayed with his grandmother, who was a great story teller. Now you have a chance to hear his storytelling feats.

For more posts about Wally and his book, cliek HERE.

Tucker & Me: Growing Up A Part-Time Southern Boy is the story of a child growing up in the Mad Men era of the 1960's. Filled with humor, sadness, and harrowing incidents, the memoir refl ects all the emotions of life one experiences growing up, in this case, with a single mom who lived in Los Angeles and a father who lived in a small town suburb of Atlanta, Georgia known as Tucker. Traveling in the summers to the alternate universe in Tucker, the author experienced a roller coaster ride of two completely different lifestyles.

For more posts about Andrew and his book, click HERE.


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