I Love My Kids But I Don't Always Like Them (Bagdade) Earns Recommended Rating by US Review of Books

US Review of Books recently reviewed Franki Bagdade's book, I Love My Kids, But I Don't Always Like Them, and gave it a RECOMMENDED rating.  

Gere is an excerpt from the review:

"This book is full of enlightening ideas on how to best approach parenting at its most difficult moments. However, what stands out in Bagdade’s writing is her insightful approach to parenting each child in the home differently. Bagdade emphasizes that because all children are different, they should be parented differently according to the structures and expectations that work best for them. Although this idea sounds overwhelming, the author explains how to achieve this in a way that leaves parents feeling confident and hopeful"

Read the remainder of the review HERE.

Read more posts about Franki and her book HERE.

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