MidWest Book Review Rates Mental Health Mayday Highly

From the MidWest Book Review's review of Mental Health Mayday (Gregg Bagdade): "...the quintessential self-help guide to dealing with the mental, physical, and emotional stresses of one of America's most dangerous, yet necessary professions. Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Mental Health Mayday: A Firefighter's Survival Guide from Recruit through Retirement" should be considered as required reading for anyone engaged in firefighting, and a part of every firehouse and community library Firefighting Psychology, Education, and Training collections." Read the rest of the review HERE . Read more posts about Gregg and his book HERE . Read more book reviews HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC newsletter here or on our home page . Follow MSI Press on Twitter , Face Book , and Instagram . Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC? Check out information on how to submit a proposal . Interested in receiving a f...