A Question and Partial Answer for Caturday: What Can Cats See?


We had a cat, Murjan, who seemed to be going blind. He seemed to walk into objects upon occasion that did not have anything to do with motor control. He would look intently at people talking to him. Yes, he was social, but it also seemed like he was trying to make them out. And it was different from cat staring, which is generally a sign of affection. So, I was a bit concerned.

Unlike with people, the doctor could not tell if Murjan could see. The physical structure of the eye looked okay, but other than that, there is no visual acuity test for cats -- yet. So, we never did find out.

So, recently, when I came across this very interesting and in-depth article about cat vision, it seemed appropriate to share for Caturday since I doubt that I am the only one asking if my cat can see and how well.

Here is the article: What Colors Can Cats See? (Note: the article talks about more than just color -- worth reading.)

For more Caturday posts, click HERE.

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