Books on Discount


Books on discount through Kindle (Kindle Countdown)

All books begin (first day) at 99 cents, with amount of discount decreasing during the countdown period, so, if you are interest in the book, snatch it on day one for the best price. (Subsequent prices, though, are something to smile about.) Books return to regular price the day after the last day listed below.

Blest Atheist (Mahlou)

1/8 - 1/15

in time for Orthodox Christmas, reflected in the opening and closing scenes

Think Yourself into Becoming a Language Learning Super Star! (Leaver)

1/9 - 1/16

Publishing for Smarties (Ham)

1/11 - 1/19

Paperback formats (and in some cases, hard cover formats) of the above e-books can be purchased on discount at MSI Press webstore; use FF25 as a coupon code to get a 25% discount.

Books on deep discount at MSI Press webstore/books available while supplies last:

10 Quick Homework Tips (McKinley-Alder & Trombly)

365 Teacher Secrets for Parents: Fun Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School (McKinley-Alder & Trombly)

$5 book sale at MSI Press webstore/books available while supplies last

100 Tips and Tools for Managing Chronic Illness (Charnas)

108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mamas (Gentile)

For posts on any of these books or their authors, type in the name in the MSI Press blog search bar; you will have plenty to read!

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