Cats in War 5: Let the Animals Live, a Shelter in Israel


And now, the fifth post in the series of Caturday posts about cats trapped in war zones. Cats are not political (nor are dogs or any other animal for that matter--nor, generally, the people caring for them, nor this post). In peace and where people watch out for them, cats enjoy being loved and learn to return love. Yet, cats (and other animals) do get find themselves struggling in war zones. They, just like people who have done nothing to bring harm to anyone else but just happen to live there, suffer the consequences of evil descending unexpectedly from sources external to them. Like people, cats and other animals suffer when they are homeless and without food or winter. And they are often completely forgotten when war (or natural disaster, for that matter -- they drown in floods and burn in fires) breaks out. Like people, they have to dodge bullets, bombs, and other dangers. Unlike people, they are often not calculated into humanitarian outreach efforts

Let the Animals Live shelter in Israel rescues cats, dogs, and other animals --- from the streets, from military bases in abandoned areas. Not only are their animals victims of war; one of the staff was captured by Hamas. They tell their own story best; please click on the link at the beginning of this paragraph.

For more posts about cats in war, click HERE.

For more Caturday posts, click HERE.

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