Guest Post from Dr. Dennis Ortman: One Big Breath

The following guest post was buried in the Christmas mail, but it is still worth reading: ONE BIG BREATH “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.” --Luke 1: 35 I just started participating in yoga classes. I wanted to breathe a little more life into my old, slow, stiff body. The instructor from India invites us to assume many seemingly unnatural positions with our bodies, which I think of as “pretzel poses.” We stretch like rubber bands, hoping not to snap. She asks us to hold those poses for several minutes and breathe slowly and deeply. She instructs us to be aware of our bodies and breathe into the physical sensations we experience. I experience mostly pain, which she tells me is “just discomfort.” She says, “Just follow your breath. It is your life energy,” which she assures us will bring relief. Each session ends with one big breath and the exchange of a solemn greeting, “Namaste” (Bow to you.). The classes h...