The Story behind the Book: Understanding the People around You (Filatova)


From the publisher --

The story behind Understanding the People around You by Ekaterina Filatova

I met Katya in Leningrad (St. Peterburg) through a group of her graduate students. Fans of socionics, a psychological theory that Katya brought to Russia, they had created resources for practitioners and researchers interested in the topic. At one point, I was interviewed for their primary (at the time) socionics website.

Katya and I clicked quickly. Perhaps my long association with Russia and before that with the USSR helped. We had common understandings at least of Russian culture, people, and reality. She offered me free stays at a spare apartment in Leningrad -- which I never had the opportunity to take her up on, most of my trips to Russia involving Moscow or Siberia.

Katya had just put out a book on socionics that was very popular in Russia, the "bible" so to speak of the socionics movement. She hoped to get it into the hands of the rest of the world, the non-Russian-speaking world, but she did not speak English. 

Unfortunately, while translating the book would have been easy enough for me, I simply did not have time to do so. I was working full-time at the time as an academic leader and part-time as managing editor of MSI Press (now a full-time position for me). 

Fortunately, Dmitry Lytov, a graduate student in the St. Petersburg State University psychology program had both a deep understanding of socionics and a good handle on English. In the end, he not only translated Katya's book into English, but he also translated one of the MSI Press publications, Mommy Poisoned Our House Guest into Russian (Nash otravlennyj gost') with quite some finesse.

MSI Press typesetter at the time, Carl Leaver, worked closely with a typesetter in Russia who was able to design a striking and a propos cover for the book and handle the socionics-specific graphics. Voila! We had a book!

Katya died a few years after the book was published, but she had realized her dream. Her book, the seminal (first) volume on the topic, introduced socionics into the English-speaking world.

Book description:

This book is an English-language update of the author's popular book on Jung's people types. The field of socionics is fully covered in this book; the author is one of the leading socionists in Russia/Europe. The examples and discussions are written for the everyday reader though specialists will also find them helpful.

This popular book now has a spin-off series, Socionics in Everyday Life, with a small book dedicated to further delineating each personality type in the original book. The spin-off series is being written (two books published, two books in production, 12 more planned) by Kacee Quinelle, friend of Ekaterina Filatova, in memory of "Katya" who died in 2015.

For more posts about Ekaterina Filatova and her book and its influence, click HERE.

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