Tip #61 from 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents (Cindy McKinley & Patti Trombly) -Overwhelmed by Extracurricular Activities
Today's tip for parents from two talented teachers comes from 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents by Cindy McKinley Alder and Patti Trombly.
is more to life than increasing its speed.
children participate in extra-curricular activities. Here are two very
important things to keep in mind if it seems your child hardly ever slows down.
The first is to think about whether
all of the extra things she is doing are taking away from her education. Many
activities that children are involved in after school and on weekends (such as
music, dance, and especially sports) are very time consuming. Children too often
are coming to school tired, saying they just couldn’t finish their homework
because their soccer game wasn’t until after dinner and they didn’t get home
until late. Of course, if this happens once in a great while, it may be no big
deal, but even a few times a month can begin to interfere with her school
performance. If this happens, it’s time to rethink your priorities. What kind
of message are you sending when you let sports take precedence over school?
Another important thing is to make
sure your child has time to just be.
In Idea #28 we talked about the importance of play. Review it if you need to.
Tell yourself that it is okay for your child to come home and play if she has
no other pressing work to do. She needs time to be alone with herself and her
thoughts and dreams. She needs time to make plans and decisions without the
constant “busy-ness” so many of us fill our lives with, whether consciously or
out of ”necessity.”
Allow her to slow down. Focus on
quality over quantity. Take a step back and look at her life through new eyes.
Is she living her childhood ideal or your own busy style? Discuss it tonight as
a family after dinner. Does she need a time out from her hectic schedule? Do
all of you? Make a plan today to begin to take life more slowly and make time
to play.
Cindy McKinley Alder Patti Trombly
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