Daily Excerpt: Divorced! Survival Techniques for Singles over Forty! - David "Doc" Roberts (Romer)
from Divorced! Survival Techniques for Singles over Forty (Romer) DAVID “DOC” ROBERTS “The door is always open. Every day is a new venture.” One of the kindest people I know is a tall, good-looking man who answers to the name of “Doc” Roberts. Doc has an easy-going way about him that reassures people, but he’s come by his composure through a long road of struggle. A veteran of three divorces, 58-year old Doc now focuses his efforts on helping other people get through life. His first marriage lasted only nine months. “I had just gotten out of the service,” he told me, “and nobody would hire me because of my disabilities [from the service]. I finally got into selling clothing.” Doc said his marriage to Debbie was pretty much based on physical attraction. “We were just too young,” he explained. “She ended up getting the condo and the cats. I lost out, but I got a job with DuPont that lasted seven years. I got the job because of her