
Showing posts with the label Fernando Ustman

Just released: Audiobook of Las Historias de Mi Vida (Ustman)

Just released: the audiobook edition of  Las Historias de Mi Vida  by Fernando Ustman.  Fernando's books can be purchased at discount from Use code FF25 to get 25% off any of them.      For more posts about Fernando and his books, click  HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date)   Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC?  We help writers become award-winning published authors. One writer at a time. We are a family, not a factory. Do you have a future with us? Turned away by other publishers because you are a first-time author and/or do not have a strong platform yet? If you have a strong manuscript, San Juan Books, our hybrid publishing division, may be able to help. Check out information on  how to submi...

Just released: Audiobook edition of Puertas a la Eternidad (Ustman)

    Just released: the audiobook edition of  Puertas a La Eternidad  by Fernando Ustman. Paperback copies of Fernando's books can be purchased at the  MSI Press webstore   at 25% discount with coupon code FF25. For more posts about Fernando and his books, click  HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date)   Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC?  We help writers become award-winning published authors. One writer at a time. We are a family, not a factory. Do you have a future with us? Turned away by other publishers because you are a first-time author and/or do not have a strong platform yet? If you have a strong manuscript, San Juan Books, our hybrid publishing division, may be able to help. Check out information on  how to...

Just released: Audiobook edition of El Poder de lo Transpersonal (Ustman)

Just released: the audiobook edition of  El Poder de lo Transpersonal  by Fernando Ustman.       Read more posts about Fernando and his books  HERE . Read more books about transpersonal psychology  HERE . Read more books about personal development  HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date)   Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .   Interested in publishing with MSI Press LLC?  We help writers become award-winning published authors. One writer at a time. We are a family, not a factory. Do you have a future with us? Turned away by other publishers because you are a first-time author and/or do not have a strong platform yet? If you have a strong manuscript, San Juan Books, our hybrid publishing division, may be able to help. Check out information on  how to submit a...

Daily Excerpt: El Poder de lo Transpersonal (Ustman - Un Mundo por Descubrir

  from El Poder de lo Transpersonal (Ustman) -       Lo Transpersonal: Un Mundo Por Descubrir  “Quién es el maestro, quién es el enseñado, Crees que eres el que busca y descubres que eres lo que se busca”  Canto indio  En mis indagaciones para con mi proceso de vida, en la búsqueda profunda de conocer la esencia de mi alma, en ese viaje mítico que me correspondió transitar, para poder ir de la mente al corazón y desde allí a la plenitud en la inmensidad de mi propio ser, he tenido el privilegio de volar al Sur. Allí aprendí a utilizar un bál samo sanador que me permitió encontrar la manera para que me crecieran las alas, como medio para volar libre como el aire mismo, libre de ataduras de miedos y vacíos emocionales.  Esa puerta maravillosa que encontré al sur del Conti nente Americano específicamente en Argentina y Chile, me facilitó el vislumbrar nuevos horizontes terapéuticos desde El Poder de lo Transpersonal.  El término Tr...