
Showing posts with the label Patti Trombley

Tip #29 from Teacher Secrets for Parents (McKinley & Trombly) - Preparation and Cleanup

  Today's tip for parents from two talented teachers comes from  365 Teacher Secrets for Parents  by Cindy McKinley Alder and Patti Trombly. #29 Get Ready… Get Set…   Blessed be the hand that prepares a pleasure for a child, For there is no saying when and where it may bloom forth. ~Jerrold   Some of the activities that you will be introduced to in this book will require a little preparation. Maybe things will need to be gathered or cut out. Maybe you've decided to have your child help you cook a meal. Sound like more work for you? Not really if you think about the process of setting up for an activity as part of the fun to have with your child. He can learn a lot about planning, preparing, gathering, sorting, and organizing from just helping to get ready for an activity. Divide up tasks, or do all of the steps together. Cleaning up will also go faster, too, if you ask your child to help you, and, again, many of those same skills come into play...

Author in the News: Cindy McKinley Alder Interviewed by Authority Magazine on "The 5 Things Parents Can Do to Help Their Children Thrive and Excel in School"

   Almost missed this one! It came out a few months ago, but as long as children go to school, the information is valuable. Find out what these five things are HERE . Cindy is the co-author of two award-winning books, along with Patti Trombly, of which MSI Press is proud. Check them out: Read details HERE . Purchase from Amazon HERE . Get 25% discount with coupon code FF25 at Read details HERE . Purchase from Amazon HERE . Get 25% discount with coupon code FF25 at Read more posts about Cindy McKinley Alder HERE .  Read more posts about Patti Trombly HERE . Sign up for the MSI Press LLC newsletter.