
Showing posts with the label Psalm 13

Daily Excerpt: God Speaks into Darkness (Easterling) - How Long, O Lord? (Inspired by Psalm 13)

  Excerpt from God Speaks into Darkness How Long, O Lord? Inspired by Psalm 13 Think back over your life journey to mountains you’ve climbed and valleys you’ve encountered. You have found your share of troubles—or they found you, right? Have you noticed that when trouble comes, it often brings cousins and friends? Yesterday the birds were singing. Today even family and best friends are missing. Your body, mind, and spirit capsized. You sent out SOS signals; yet no one responded--and there’s no lighthouse in sight. In times like this, have you ever voiced the Psalmist’s lament, “How Long, O Lord will this last? Have you forgotten me? Will it be forever?” The Psalmist in this classic prayer is uttering a universal cry: “How long will you forget me, Lord? Will it be forever? How long will you look the other way while I’m suffering, feeling all alone and abandoned? How long will this sorrow fill my heart day and night? How long will my enemies triumph over me? Is this permanent, Lord?” Ye