Daily Excerpt: God Speaks into Darkness (Easterling) - How Long, O Lord? (Inspired by Psalm 13)


Excerpt from God Speaks into Darkness

How Long, O Lord?

Inspired by Psalm 13

Think back over your life journey to mountains you’ve climbed and valleys you’ve encountered. You have found your share of troubles—or they found you, right? Have you noticed that when trouble comes, it often brings cousins and friends?

Yesterday the birds were singing. Today even family and best friends are missing. Your body, mind, and spirit capsized. You sent out SOS signals; yet no one responded--and there’s no lighthouse in sight.

In times like this, have you ever voiced the Psalmist’s lament, “How Long, O Lord will this last? Have you forgotten me? Will it be forever?”

The Psalmist in this classic prayer is uttering a universal cry:

“How long will you forget me, Lord? Will it be forever? How long will you look the other way while I’m suffering, feeling all alone and abandoned? How long will this sorrow fill my heart day and night? How long will my enemies triumph over me? Is this permanent, Lord?”

Yet, overwhelmed by physical, mental, and spiritual anguish, the Psalmist refuses to capitulate. Deep in his pit of despair, the Psalmist sees a pale moon rising on the horizon. He remembers God:

“Look at me, O my God, and answer me! Restore me, don’t let me die like this. See, I’m still trusting you—relying on your constant love. I’m still convinced you will rescue me. Compassionate Lord, I’m depending on you, expecting to once again see your mercy. Even today, my heart rejoices in your sure salvation. Look, O Lord, I’m ready to sing to you and publicly celebrate your goodness to me!”

Some of our troubles are fleeting. Thank you, Lord!  They crash upon us like a thunderous cloudburst, soon to fade away—and a rainbow appears. A careless remark cuts deeply but your spirit finds the peace of God—and a valuable relationship is saved. A migraine headache knocks us out, but our body recovers; a toothache makes us miserable but is soon gone.

But other pains and heartaches unpack at our doorstep and move in to stay. Maybe it’s a miserable job or an unreasonable boss or an unfaithful spouse or a child in trouble. Or you’ve fallen in a hole financially and cannot dig out. Maybe your doctor has given you a diagnosis that sounds like a death sentence.

The Lord is inviting us to allow him into our life by giving our impossible burdens to him. Corrie ten Boom survived the brutality and terror of Nazi death camps in World War II. She inspired her fellow prisoners to endure and survive the humiliation and torture of Hitler’s Holocaust death camps by praying for their evil predators and tormentors. Her motto: “Let go and let God!”

Jesus said, “…so don’t you think God will surely answer his chosen people who plead with him day and night? Will he keep putting them off forever? I assure you he will grant justice to them quickly! But when I, the Son of Man return, how many will I find who still have faith?”  (Luke 18:7-8)

Holy Father, we know not how long we must suffer but we know the Great Physician. We believe you will heal and restore us, empowering us to use our pains and sorrows to help others.

Read more posts about Bennett and his books HERE:

Read more books about spirituality HERE.

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