
Showing posts with the label Soul

Excerpt from God Speaks into Darkness (Easterling): Soul Food for the Weary

Soul Food for the Weary                                                                                                   Inspired by Psalm 16 If you develop a toothache, you go to a dentist, right? If you need glasses, you call an optometrist; if you need money, a banker. But what if you’re soul-weary?   “Where could I go but to the Lord? Seeking a refuge for my soul Needing a friend to help me in the end (Brother won’t you tell me?) Where could I go, O where could I go, where could I go but to the Lord?”  (Gaither Vocal Band) The psalmist declares: “The Lord himself is my inheritance, my prize.  He is my food and drink, my highest joy!  He guards all that is mine.  He se...