
Showing posts with the label cat types

Daily Excerpt: How My Cat Made Me a Better Man (Feig): Make the Most of What You've Got

  Excerpt from How My Cat Made Me a Better Man Make the Most of What You've Got Cats strut around like they own the place. Even the homeliest kittens are born with the unalterable knowledge that they are da bomb . It doesn't matter if they have a goofy overbite, are missing an ear, or have a skinny tail that looks like an extension cord. Whatever they look like, they own it. Ideally, it should be the same for you. Most guys aren't blessed with the eyes of Ryan Gosling or the body of Channing Tatum. You've got to work with what you've got. So, look at your face, your body, and your hair and figure out how to make it work. Overweight? You'll probably want to avoid wearing spandex. Going bald? Cut your hair uber-close to the scalp. Missing one of your front teeth? Get a diamond-studded grill, or learn to smile with your mouth closed. Whatever your situation is, you have options to tailor your appearance based on what you've got to work with. You can create your...