
Showing posts with the label diet soda

Grandma's Ninja Warrior Diary: Diet Soda and Weight Gain

Yep. No typo in that subject line. I am 100% convinced that deit soda has nothing to do with a good diet if by diet you mean the attempt to lose weight. I want to lose weight. I must lose weight. With push-ups, I am pushing an extra 30 pounds. That is a lot. With pull-ups, I am pulling an extra 30 pounds. That is a lot. I have trued everythng available. Well, probably not everything , but many things. Keto? Fat cells cling stubbornly. Paleo? Fat cells cling ferociously. Trainer's special diet? Fat cells thumb their nose. Drop caloric intake to 900 calories day after day? (The thinking goes: you will lose weight with no more than 900 calories.) Those fat cells proved that thinking wrong. Cling, cling, cling! Then, Carl was busy ubering, and there was no diet soda in the house -- for a couple of days. Time for tea! Suddenly, without other explanation, a couple of pounds walked away. Gone! The only difference that I could identify: no diet soda. That prompted some resea...