Books about Love in Time for Valentine's Day
Has the upcoming Valentine's Day got you thinking about love? If so, here are some popular MSI Press books that you will enjoy. 57 Steps to Paradise (Patricia Lorenz) half-price sale get the ebook Looking for love in your 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and yes, even your 80's or 90's? 57 STEPS TO PARADISE will help you navigate dating in midlife and beyond. Lorenz unzips her soul and exposes her foibles during 50 years of men weaving their way in and out of her life, providing a heap of wit and wisdom to help you make life-changing decisions about love and, perhaps, a life partner. Read more posts about Patricia Lorenz and her book HERE . Read more books about mid-life HERE . Read more books about aging HERE . A Movie Lover's Search for Romance (Joanna Charnas) get the book (paperback, hard cover, e-book) A diverting and informative story of searching for love in mid-life by a divorced social worker, who intertwines entertaining stories of successful love inte...