
Showing posts with the label personalty types

Some Great Books on Relationships

Just a list -- the titles, covers, and awards speak for themselves. Click the title link for additional information. 57 Steps to Paradise A Movie Lover's Search for Romance Awesome Couple Communication Divorced! How to Live from Your Heart The Marriage Whisperer The Rose and the Sword Understanding the Analyst Understanding the Critic Understanding the Entrepreneur Understanding the People around You Understanding the Seeker

Books for Valentine Day: Socionics' Gift to Healthy Relationships

The Filatova - Quinelle series of socionics books are just right for Valentine Day. The "big book" by Filatova provides an overview of personality types and how they work in relationships. The "little books" by Quinelle probe more deeply one individual personality style; the little books are meant for the lay reader, not for the psychologist and are easy to understand. The big book reaches out to both lay readers and psychologists. Quinelle has completed four little books, with three more in the works. In time, all 16 socions (psychology types) will have their own little book. The published little books are shown below.                                                                                                       ...

Excerpt from Understanding the Entrepreneur: The 16 Socions/Personality Types

The Quinelle series of books, based on Understanding the People around You , focuses on individual personality types. The excerpt below is from Understanding the Entrepreneur: Socionics in Everyday Life . It is from the introduction, which identifies the 16 socions (Jungian personality types) presented by Dr. Filatova, using one of the two models (Model A and Model J) by which socionists organize the tyeps. Which is your type? Check below! Want more information? Read the books! Start with Filatova's book, then turn to Quinelle's books that break out the individual styles: Understanding the Analyst Understnading the Critic Undersntading the Enterpreneur Understanding the Seeker ---- at least three more coming in 2020 (Romantic, Performer, Professional) From Understanding the Entrepreneur : Model J Model J also includes 16 psychological types, but the representational system used by Model J is simplified. For each of the 16 psychological types, Model J uses...