
Showing posts with the label social media content

A Publisher's Conversation with Authors: Making Your Social Media Efforts More Potent

It is Tuesday. Monday's madness is over, and Wednesday will take us over the hump, so Tuesday it is--for some serious discussion with authors. Tuesday talks mean to address authors in waiting and self-published authors who would like to go a more traditional route or who would at least like to take their steps with a publisher by their side.  Once again, we pick up the topic of book marketing and social media. If, as  Lisa Angle contends, "Connection is the new world of marketing," then the question arises as to how to make social marketing more effective. What are the best do's and don't's? How can social media marketing time be best spent? Start with understanding what drives social media marketing effectiveness Readers who are likely to buy books typically are looking for that connection to the author that Lisa Angle has pointed out. Publishers can help with this, but authors must initiate and maintain this. Readers are likely to buy books from authors they