
Showing posts with the label training cats

Caturday: The Snake That Keeps Order in My Cat Family of Eleven

Well, we were 11 a month ago. Now we are 9 and soon to be 7. A guest, Nellie, went home to her mama after just a week's stay. Her siblings, Ella and Ebony, will go home soon to their mama's new home, which was still being built when she moved away as our next-door neighbor -- and it was important to keep the cats in known territory until they could get to permanent new territory. And then, on February 8, our beloved Happy Cat succumbed after a four-month struggle with a brain tumor. Seven, nine, or 11 does not matter. Our snake is always the charmer for keeping cats in order, stopping any cat spat, and even herding cats as a group in the direction they need to go. Meet our snake: Duster. Duster is a can of air spray for cleaning computers. It puts out a hissing sound just like a real snake, and cats do not like snakes. All the cats scat not only when they hear Duster, but even upon seeing Duster. Often, I just need to hold it, and they calm right down. And, in a desperate momen...