
Showing posts with the label writing tips

Savvy Author Academy: Authoring 101 Accepting Enrollments Now for September

Ever wish you could have someone guide you personally through the jungle of moving from idea to manuscript to published book? Now you can! Starting September 2, MSI Press is offering a 10-week highly personalized interactive online course, Authoring 101. Only 10 spots available. Sign up now to ensure yourself a spot.Click HERE to enroll. TOPICS Week 1. Shaping a though, idea, or experience into a viable book concept Discusson hour: evalaution of ideas (existence of niche, narrow enough focus) Week 2. Everything is story – what is your story/message Discussion hour; sharing stories Week 3. Starting your book –  outline, “research,” and theme Discussion hour: “research” is needed (even for memoirs), is your outline manageable, is your them classic enough to sell & does it reflect your “message” Week 4: Table of Contents – organizing your research or experience into “story” Discussion hour: sharing of TOCs, do they reflect the theme,...

TLC Workshop: Organizing Your Life into a Memoir

Today we are geting ready for a Saturday afternoon workshop at The Literary Center in San Juan Bautista, CA: Organizing Your Life into Memoir. Many great memoirs never get written because potential authors do not know where to start or where to stop. How to turn your life into story, or how to tell the story of your life, requires understanding "what is story" and "how is it organized." These are the topics that get explored during this workshop. Workshop slides are available for $5 at the MSI webstore -- and they come with the opportunity to ask virtual questions.

MSI Press Newsletter

Do you like the posts on our blog? Are you interested in more information? Sign up for our newsletter! Our newsletter goes out to your inbox the first Friday of every month. It contains information like that below: advance knowledge of new books being released learning how to publish your book (with others, with another publisher, or self-publishing) discounts on MSI Press books excerpts from MSI Press books tips on writing Just fill in the sign-up form at the bottom of our home page; click here to return to the home page .