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Author in the News: Catching Up with Irit Schaffer

  Here are some excellent podcast interviews of Irit Schaffer, gems from the past. Enjoy! "Seekers of Meaning" - podcast presentation for Jewish Sacred Aging "Trauma, Family, Legacy, and Healing" on Inner Work podcast The Idea Crucible: Body Mind Spirit podcast: Interview with Irit Schaffer, part 1 The Idea Crucible: Body Mind Spirit podcast: Interview with Irit Schaffer, part 2 Blogtalk radio Read more posts about Irit and her book HERE .                                  Sign up for the MSI Press LLC newsletter                           Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .

The Story behind the Book: Good Blood by Irit Schaffer

  This week's book back story features Good Blood by Irit Schaffer. from the author -- Irit Schaffer is an author, speaker, physical therapist and healer in California. Her healing journey began in childhood where she was mesmerized by the stories of her father who had supernatural encounters with miraculous healing. Her dad journeyed through the turbulence of the Holocaust, was a Russian POW, imprisoned, suffered gunfire, gangrene infection.  There was no medicine to be had and yet he found a resilience that would change the course of his life and through his stories, hers.    Irit says “I would always ask him how he could tolerate the bullets taken out and not scream, and he would say that he had good blood. I would ask him if I had good blood, and he would laugh.”  That story set in motion Irit’s never-ending desire to understand the mind /body connection and the resiliency and resourcefulness of the human body mind spirit, called “Good Blood”.    Irit went on to achieve a Mast

Excerpt from Good Blood (Irit Schaffer): 1961 (The Shema)

1961 The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and science.  Albert Einstein  As soon as I looked into his blue eyes, every cell in my body bubbled with joy. Yes, this must be love. I am in love for the first time. His are the bluest eyes I have ever seen. They are like the deep blue of the ocean on a clear and sunny day. My mom is sitting to my left, my sister, Edna, to my right, and I am falling in love. Ari Ben Canaan is his name. He is in charge of taking a boatload of people to Palestine. The boat, Exodus, is filled with Jewish Europeans planning to make their home in the soon to be independent State of Israel. Unfortunately, the British authorities have detained the boat in Cyprus. They are not allowing Exodus to complete its voyage to Palestine, and Ari has to take charge. His confidence is portrayed in his thin and muscular 5’9” frame. “We can go back, or we can go on a hunger strike,” he says, “but before

Endorsements (!) for Good Blood (Schaffer)

Endorsements received for  Good Blood, Second Edition  by Irit Schaffer This is the only book I have read cover to cover in the past several years.  It captivated me and I couldn’t put it down.  As a retired psychologist and university professor, I view it as a stunning study of many aspects of human behavior.  As a spiritual seeker, I experience it as a motivator in looking for the Light to help me in my personal healing and transformation.  As the dad of two grown sons and grandfather of two young children, it challenged me to look at the legacy of Love and Light that I want to pass on to them.  I am grateful to Irit for writing this book that nourished and healed me on every level of my being.   Charles R. Billings, Ph.D. Corte Madera, California   This book allowed me to see that even in the darkest of situations, if you live in the mindset that there is always hope, you can survive and even come out stronger than you did before these challenging situations even occurred.   This bo

Daily Excerpt: Good Blood, Edition 2 (Schaffer) - Foreword by Arjia Rinpoche

Excerpt from Good Blood, Edition 2 (Schaffer): Foreword by Arjia Rinpoche I was enjoying the sun rays shining through the giant red wood trees after a stormy winter day in Mill Valley when my dear friend Naomi walked up the stone steps with an attractive lady. She introduced her as Irit. Right after our introduction, Irit and I got into a long conversation about our backgrounds. Suddenly, I found myself in memory lane feeling as if I were right back in Tibet in the 1950s. But then quickly I realized I was still in Mill Valley -- just telling my story. Both Irit and I felt deeply connected, and from that moment on, we were able to develop a close friendship because we had shared our memories. Even though, we were from different cultures, we had faced similar challenges in life. When I was a small boy in Tibet, I had been wrenched from my secure monastery during the Religious Reform Movement of the 1950s and made to divest myself of my monastic robes and attend a Chines

Daily Excerpt: Good Blood (Schaffer) - Author's Note

  excerpt from Good Blood (Schaffer) -  Author Note  People ask me when I began my journey with Good Blood, and my answer is always the same “when I was born.” I laugh when I say it, but it is true. As a child in MontrĂ©al, I would curl up next to my dad and beg to hear the stories of his childhood, his family, and his incredible war experiences. “Dad, tell me again how you had the bullets taken out without pain medicine and you didn’t even cry. Dad, tell me again how you healed.” “Dad, tell me again,” was my favorite line.  With my mom, it was different. It was forbidden to talk to her about the holocaust for fear that she would faint, and I was always afraid she wouldn’t come to. Yet, as a child, I did know three things about her war experience, and those three things made a deep impact on me:   She had exit papers to leave, but she stayed to help her parents.  A Christian family hid her and her parents, and it was a Jew who informed on them.  Her father gave her a gold chai

Author in the News: Irit Schaffer (Good Blood) Presents at Penn State University

  Irit Schaffer, author of Good Blood , recently taught a Zoom class at Penn State University on her book and its topics. The class received "glowing: reviews, and a repeat class is planned for the fall. For more posts about Irit and her book, click HERE .                                  Sign up for the MSI Press LLC newsletter                           Follow MSI Press on  Twitter ,  Face Book , and  Instagram .

Recently released: Second edition of Good Blood (Schaffer)

  Recently released: the second edition of the award-winning book,  Good Blood  by Irit Schaffer.  Description: When she was a child, her father said that he had "good blood" and it was why he and his wife survived and healed from the Holocaust. The author searched for the meaning and significance of her father's words over two continents and through four generations. Her journey uncovered a unique voice of wisdom revealing mysteries of the healing powers within us and the existence of light in every situation that helps us overcome and transcend any obstacle. Hollywood Book Festival finalist Paris Book Festival finalist Book Excellence Award For more posts about Irit and her book, click  HERE . Purchase this book at discount from the  MSI Press webstore . Use Coupon Code FF25 for 25% off. Sign up for the MSI Press LLC monthly newsletter (recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date) Follow MSI Press on