Daily Excerpt: Introductory Lectures on Religious Philosophy (Sabzevary): Editor's Introduction
Editor’s Introduction This book is a transcription of lectures that revolve around two questions: How does a person become educated? What does it mean to be a teacher? Without continuously entertaining the problems that these two questions create, no one should be licensed to discuss religion or philosophy. These problems seem to have been forgotten in an age when anyone with the privilege of time, intellect and emotions can buy a PhD or publish a book and be considered “educated.” But if not with the privilege of a PhD or with a voluminous collection of information, what qualifies someone as a teacher? Introductory Lectures on Religious Philosophy addresses these questions within the context of five ancient traditions: the Epic of Gilgamesh , Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. The language of the lectures, the questions that guide the dialogue, and the social atmosphere of this class also comment directly on these problems of education.