Daily Excerpt: How to Live from Your Heart (Hucknall) - Introduction
excerpt from How to Live from Your Heart by Nanette Hucknall - Introduction Buddha said: The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. Living from your heart is a way of life. It means to listen with your heart, to relate to others with your heart, to receive and give to others with your heart, to access knowledge with your heart, to inspire and be inspired, and to learn discrimination, trusting in your heart’s ability to recognize right from wrong. It means being open to any possibility and any creative thought. The heart is the way to higher wisdom and the spirit within. Using your heart as an instrument brings an acceptance of nature’s beauty, the containment of opposites and a way for healing energies to flow. But what is the heart? The physical heart, of course, is an organ that keeps us alive, but the physical heart is very different from the heart this book is referring to. Where does one feel love or pain? It always comes not from the physical heart but from a place in