
Inside Life at MSI Press: Meeting with Mary Ann Raemisch, Copyeditor, and Andrew Harvey, Author

MSI Press staff is on the move -- south to San Diego for a conference. So, we stopped in Burbank, at Tallyrand Restaurant, for lunch with copyeditor Mary Ann Raemisch and author Andrwe Harvey (Tucker and Me). From left to right: Carl Leaver, typesetter & designer Betty Lou Leaver, managing editor Mary Ann Raemisch, copyeditor Andrew Harvey, author

Do This Practice to Become More Mindful (guest post by Julie M. Gentile)

Are you mindful? No, really. Do you consider yourself a mindful person? Mindfulness is a state of being. It’s living and breathing in the present moment and becoming aware of the senses that connect you to the world around you and the sensations within you. It’s paying attention. It’s noticing. It’s observing without judgment. It’s waking up. It’s reawakening. Try this practice to grow your mindfulness. Mindfulness begins with becoming aware of the present moment, which is the only moment we really have. How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation ·        Begin seated on the ground or on a chair or couch. Close your eyes. ·        Observe your breath going in and out through your nostrils. ·        Briefly scan your body by noticing areas of tension—maybe it’s your shoulders or wrists . Maybe it’s your hips or low back. With each exhale, start to relax those areas of tension. ·        Turn your attention to your senses. Notice them one by one. ·        What is yo

Books for Valentine Day: Socionics' Gift to Healthy Relationships

The Filatova - Quinelle series of socionics books are just right for Valentine Day. The "big book" by Filatova provides an overview of personality types and how they work in relationships. The "little books" by Quinelle probe more deeply one individual personality style; the little books are meant for the lay reader, not for the psychologist and are easy to understand. The big book reaches out to both lay readers and psychologists. Quinelle has completed four little books, with three more in the works. In time, all 16 socions (psychology types) will have their own little book. The published little books are shown below.                                                                                                                       Coming soon: Understnading the Performer Understanding the Professional Understanding the Romantic For a brief overview of the 16 types, check out this post . (For the full descriptions, read Katya's bo

Book Review: The Rose and the Sword (Bach & Hucknall)

"an exceptional piece of literature" "enlightening and entertaining" "one of my favorite books" "immensely inspired" "meaningful" Read more reviews from Goodreads:

Porn Addiction: The Addiction No One Wants to Talk about (podcast by MSI Press author, Joshua Shea)

Have a few minutes of listening time? Here is today's recommendation: Porn Addiction, the Addiction No One Wants to Talk About Podcast with Joshua Shea (author of He's a Porn Addict...Now What?) and Ronnie Fernandez, LCSW Clich HERE to get there.

Taking the Blame vs. Taking Responsiblity (guest post by Julia Aziz)

Julia Aziz, author of MSI Press book, Lessons of Labor, recently posted the following article on her blog: Are you pretty hard on yourself? In my experience, when something goes awry, some tend towards blaming external circumstances and other people, while others almost always point the finger inwards. If you are one of the latter, you may have been taking the blame for long enough, and perhaps it’s time to take responsibility instead. Here’s the difference... Read the rest on her blog. Click HERE to go there. Note: Amazon currently has Julia's book on sale for half price...get it now before it goes up. Follow Julia on her blog at Julia S. Aziz .

Grandma's Ninja Diary: Old Lady in a Cardigan

As I was traveling to St, Louis from San Jose today, an elderly man and his wife sat in the row next to me. We got talking when we noticed that I was watching Angel Has Fallen, a great movie but lots of violent action. Somehow, the conversation passed on to the time he spent in the British Army and the time I spent in the American Army. He commented, "Looks are deceptive. I thought I was sitting beside an old lady in a cardigan. Figured you were a writer (I am -- and I was doing some on the plane as I watched the movie, so that did not take a big guess), working on some leisurely writings in retirement (well, I am retured, technically, since I get a pension, but nothing else about my life is "retired." Yeah, I suppose a dress and cardigan (the picture is not me -- I do not have one of me from the plane -- but is fairly approximate) might be deceptive. At the end of the flight, being short, I had trrouble reaching my luggage in those big cabinets on the bid plan