
Just Released: E-Book Version of Typhoon Honey (Girrell & Sjogren)

  MSI Press is happy to report the release of  Typhoon Honey  (Kirrell & Sjogren) as an e-book. The paperback version was released in December 2021. Congratulations to the two authors! To read posts about this book, including excerpts, and its authors, click HERE .

Guest Post from MSI Press Author, Joshua Shea: TikTok?

  Have you ever found yourself learning a different way of doing something and then regretting all the inefficient time and effort you spent initially doing things the wrong way? I always feel like that when I'm trying to change a tire or work on a project around the house. How many hours have I lost in my life prior to buying an electric screwdriver? Writing books is just one of the ways that I conduct my outreach to the pornography addiction and betrayal trauma communities. I also coach, but I have a fairly large presence on social media and have appeared on more podcasts talking about these subjects than anybody else in the last five years. I thought I had all of my bases covered. Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram were perfect for hitting the communities I most thought needed my message. Facebook is political opinion I don't want to get into, Snapchat appears like it's mainly to trade naked pictures and TikTok just seemed like my kids' friends acting their age and I do

Fantastic Book Review for Weekly Soul (Craigie) by Family Medicine Magazine

  Holly Salzman, MD, writes of Weekly Soul by Dr. Frederic Craigie: During this turbulent time of global pandemic, racial injustice, political unrest, economic crisis, and financial uncertainty, many of us have seen our lives and our practices changed in unforeseen and unprecedented ways. We are left questioning our purpose and our path.   Weekly Soul: Fifty-two Meditations on Meaningful, Joyful, and Peaceful Living ,   beautifully written by Frederic C. Craigie, Jr, PhD, seeks to take us on a personal journey to figure out who we are and the meaning of our lives in the context of this new reality.  . . .  This book of reflections will be an asset to all who seek to rediscover meaning, wholeness, and well-being in these stressful times, and can help both trainees and practicing clinicians move beyond burnout to resilience. Read the full review HERE . Read more posts about Dr. Fred Craigie and his book HERE .

A Publisher's Conversation with Authors: Does Pitting One Publisher against Another Improve Your Chances of Acceptance?

  It is Tuesday. Time to tall turkey. Monday's madness is over, and Wednesday will take us over the hump, so Tuesday it is--for some serious discussion with authors. Tuesday talks mean to address authors in waiting and self-published authors who would like to go a more traditional route or who would at least like to take their steps with a publisher by their side. Today's topic addresses effective communication with acquisitions editors. Does it make sense to p it them against each other? To create a sense of competition in order to get one of them to move? Here are the ways in  which authors have tried to tempt me to offer them a contract by alluding to another publisher -- and my reaction and response.  Just a note to say that the book submitted to you is being seriously considered by a United States Publisher. Please let me know how you would like to move forward. My reaction: The author comes across as pushy (trying to take the upper hand), arrogant (assuming that I would e

Cancer Diary: The Spouse As Caregiver Dilemma

  Times were tense. I was caregiving for my husband, dying from cancer and on chemotherapy that required multiple trips a week to a distant hospital, my spina bifida daughter in a city a half-hour away who had lost her caregiver during the days of covid, and a CHARGE Syndrome adult son living at home -- and trying to run a business at the same time. The son tried to help out as best he could with his own care, but he did not always have the skills to do so. To wit, the scene above that ensued when he tried to help out by making his own breakfast -- one that at least brought a moment of levity into a too-tense life. Speaking from personal experience, the spouse (in this case wife, but it really does not much which spouse is pressed into the role) who ends up as the caregiver for a cancer patient is in a no-win situation, emotionally and physically. The role of spouse is to support the spouse and to navigate through life together, IMHO. That complicates the matter of caregiving. The two

Outstanding Book Reviews for Typhoon Honey (Girrell & Sjogren): Readers' Favorite and MidWest Book Review Weigh in with Stellar Praise

  This past week Typhoon Honey (Girrell & Sjogren) has received two stellar book reviews: From Readers' Favorite review: After reading Typhoon Honey, I felt I had unlocked something supernatural—a new pair of glasses that gives me a different, liberating view of the world. The idea that "what we see is filtered and tainted by our belief system" is helping me to examine learned beliefs that no longer serve me in the process of deconstructing them. Typhoon Honey is filled with several exercises, details about experiments, and examples from the authors' personal experiences and that of the people they know. I got a clear understanding of the concepts as different scientific and psychological studies are juxtaposed with several real-life examples. I believe that the mind-blowing ideas and stories in this phenomenal self-help book by Kris Girrell and Candace Klein Sjogren could help unite the world and reduce suffering as they encourage readers to heal from harmful, d

A Memory: Sula the Cat Featured in Regional Newspapers

  Six years ago this week, Sula, parish cat at Old Mission San Juan Bautista, had just embarked on her writing career when she was discovered by regional newspapers. The cutest stories appeared about her. HERE is one that appeared in the Morgan Hills Times;  HERE is one from the Gilroy Dispatch (photo above from that article, by Nick Lovejoy); and HERE is one from Benitolink . Sula went on to write six books. You can read about them HERE .