Book Alert: Girl, You Got This!

Released yesterday.

Mothers everywhere struggle with finding a comfortable balance between their own needs and their children’s needs. “Self-care, what’s that?” many moms joke, but believe it or not, you can be a super mom while still taking care of your home and yourself.

Girl, You Got This! is a complete guide to setting yourself up for success while transitioning to motherhood, and the advice comes from an expert. Brittany Renz is a wife, mother of one and a half kids (a three-year-old girl and soon-to-be born baby boy), entrepreneur, and personal trainer. In this book, she uses her knowledge and experience to walk readers through all of the phases of pregnancy, from before conception to delivery.

For each phase of pregnancy, this book offers readers advice not only on fitness and dieting, but also:

·       Money: budgeting for a growing family,
·       Medical Concerns: finding an OBGYN and pediatrician,
·       Housekeeping: establishing cleaning routines,
·       Family and friends: setting aside quality time for your loved ones,
·       Self-care: staying on top of mental health and personal needs, and
·       Work: making plans for your future happiness whether as a career woman or stay at home mom.

Brittany not only tells the reader how to get fit and manage their lives while transitioning into motherhood, she also shows them how. The book is filled with stunning pictures of Brittany demonstrating fitness exercises while pregnant—including together with her child and husband.

A must-have guide for expecting mothers
in today’s fast-paced world.

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About the author. Brittany Renz is a successful personal trainer and mother in Hollister, California. A popular trainer with a very large, stable clientele, she trains together with her family, as well as coaching others. After years of people asking her how she does it all, she finally decided to take her experience and share it with the world.


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