Book Alert: RV Oopsies

Released Saturday.

Every year thousands of RVers hit the road for fun and adventure, but RVing has built in misadventures—backing into a tree, bending a jack stand, and more—spoiling an otherwise perfect outing.
For the past ten years, the author has asked RVers the same question: “What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done while RVing?”  Each year, he has given an award for the dumbest mishap.
In this funny and helpful handbook, 101 of these mishaps come together so the reader can learn from other people’s mistakes, saving them unnecessary grief and cash.
·       Always use a spotter when entering or departing a campsite.
·       Do a walk-around inspection before moving your rig.
·       Never flush out your blackwater tank after dressing for church.
Practical and comical, this a great read for all RVers, both veterans and novices.
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About the Author Larry MacDonald, Ph.D. and his wife Sandy have been RVing for over 30 years, the last 11 as full-timers.  He has written articles for RV magazines in both the U.S. and Canada, including his annual RV Oops Awards for MotorHome Magazine.  These Awards have become a beloved tradition for readers over the past ten years, and now Larry has compiled the top 101 anecdotes, some never before published, into his debut book, RV Oopsies.


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