Excerpt from The Musings of a Carolina Yankee: Two Hunters


I had a red fox come visit me at my ground blind one evening. He came close, sat down in the road, and watched me. Every now and then, he would turn his head and look about. He scratched some fleas a few times, got up, and started sniffing the air.

I took my rifle and looked at him through the cross hairs. Then, I zoomed in on him but, for some reason, stopped and watched for a while. The season was open on them, but I asked myself why I should kill this pretty creature. I was not going to put him in the freezer, and his fur looked better on him than hanging on my wall.

He stayed for about 20 minutes and then walked on down the road. He stopped midway, sat down in the road, and looked back up to where I was sitting and watching him. He was never afraid although he kept his distance. He let me watch him in his own living room.

It makes a hunter realize who he truly is when he doesn’t gun down everything he sees just because he can. I am sitting in my easy chair, writing this, and I am sure that fox is out there, hunting for supper.

Two hunters got to meet one another and parted company. Both were happy with the results.

Want to read more stories from The Musings of a Carolina Yankee? Get Wally's bo Amidon's book at the MSI Press webstore; code FF25 will bring a 25% discount.


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