Introducing Liz Bayardelle, MSI Press Author


Dr. Liz Bayardelle holds a PhD in business psychology with a strong footing in the practical application psychological research. She serves as a digital consultant.

She has written two books published by MSI Press: Clean Your Plate! 13 Things Good Parents Say That Ruins Kids’ Lives and (forthcoming) Parenting in a Pademic.

In her own words, Dr. Bayardelle, as a busy, educated, multitasking mother, “runs a household with a teenage stepdaughter, a toddlernado, a newborn baby, two dogs totaling over 200 pounds of poor behavior, and a rabbit the size of a large housecat.

She also runs a successful parenting blog ( that has an avid following of mothers who want to be smart, engaged, and thoughtful parents.

For more posts about Liz Bayardelle and her work, click HERE.


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