Daily Excerpt: Mommy Poisoned Our House Guest - The Man in Our Dumpster


Excerpt from Mommy Poisoned Our House Guest (CB Leaver) -

The Man in Our Dumpster

When I was growing up, Daddy, Mommy, and all of us kids (sometimes we were four, sometimes we were six or seven) lived in a big house with 13 rooms in Salinas, California. When we finished growing up, Daddy got a hankering for the forest and Mommy got a hankering to give up cleaning 13 rooms all the time. So, they decided to buy an RV, travel when they could, and park it in the riverside woods of Arroyo Seco at other times where they lived comfortably and Mommy enjoyed a daily dip in the river.

Moving out of 13 rooms was big business. Daddy and Mommy had quite a list of things to do: cleaning, giving away or selling stuff that would not fit in the RV, packing things to take with them, throwing away trash, and lots of other things (like changing addresses with businesses and the post office). One day when Daddy was out doing the lots of other things, Mommy held a yard sale. One of the people who came to the yard sale buys things to send to a community in the Philippines. He buys lots of things to send there because there are lots of people who need help. He made a deal with Mommy to come back and pick up whatever did not get sold.

He was as good as his word. Half an hour after the sale ended, he came with a big truck and took most of the remaining big items, which Mommy sold to him real cheap or gave to him. Then, he drove the truck home and walked back. He had remem­bered seeing a huge dumpster in our yard. Daddy had ordered the dumpster so that we could throw out the things that were not good anymore. The dumpster was almost full. Our neighbor asked Mommy if he could have the things in the dumpster that he might be able to fix, and Mommy said okay.

When Daddy came home, boy, was he surprised to see a man he did not know, standing in our dumpster and holding things up from time to time, calling out to Mommy, “Bettee, why you t’row deez away?”


Dumpsters make good neighbors.



For more posts about CB Leaver and his book, click HERE.

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