Caturday: Bobolink and Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia


Bobolink in his kennel at the pet hospital.

We should have known there was a problem with Bobolink that related to anemia. A feral cat that we domesticated (over a long period of time, he was always a little skittish until November when he wanted to crawl up in my lap or snuggle next to me all the time, literally all the time. In hindsight, he was cold; he was seeking warmth. Even though I am anemic at times and understand the cold feeling, the thought did not register that cats can be anemic as well.

Then, he lost two pounds nearly overnight. Clearly, something was wrong. Worried that his FIV had turned into AIDS, we took him to the vet, who, through a blood test, discovered that he had autoimmune hemolytic anemia, a disease in which the cat's body eats its own red blood cells. Little is known about the causes. The vet suggested some possibilities that seemed not on the mark. I suggested FIV, but she said that was not likely. However, I have since found some vet sites on the Internet that suggest that FIV could be a cause. So, still an unknown. 

Bobolink's blood count was down to 11, below the level needed for a transfusion, but the vet gave him steroids, hydrated him, and sent him home with Miratz to improve his appetite. It worked; he gained four ounces in four days.

Then, we had to leave town. Rather than leave Bobolink with the caregiver and other cats, I decided it would be best to board him at the pet hospital so that the vet could watch over him, especially if he were to need a transfusion. It was a good decision. He had to be hydrated again and given Vitamin B, but no transfusion was needed. When I picked him up, he had gained a whole pound.

Once moving upward, at home he continued to gain. Now, he is at his old weight, but I worry. Will this disease come back? Is it associated with FIV? WIll FIV cause other nasties in the future? Since so little is known, we can only wait and watch -- but that is not a comfortable feeling.

As for Bobolink, he is eating, spitting our his pills, and snuggling. Maybe he still needs the warmth. Maybe he just got used to being up close and personal with his human. I guess time -- and his next vet visit later this month -- will tell. 

For more Caturday posts, click HERE.

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