A Publisher's Conversation with Authors: I have a great story; should I get a ghost writer?


It is Tuesday. Monday's madness is over, and Wednesday will take us over the hump, so Tuesday it is--for some serious discussion with authors. Tuesday talks mean to address authors in waiting and self-published authors who would like to go a more traditional route or who would at least like to take their steps with a publisher by their side. 

Today's post attempts to answer the question about ghost writers. Should you? Should you not?

The Case for Using a Ghost Writer

When you have a story, you are not a writer, and the story needs to come out in a timely manner. Or, when you do not have the patience to learn how to put a book together or write a grammatically correct essay. AND, when you have the money to pay for ghost writing services; they are not cheap.

The Case against Using a Ghost Writer

A ghost writer will take care of one book for you. Then, if you have another book "in you," you will have to pay again. Alternatively, you can learn to write well. The old adage of giving a person a fish and they eat for a day or teaching a person to fish and they eat for a lifetime. And also, if you do not have big bucks hanging out in your pocket, then it might be better to gain those skills. One of our current authors faced such a dilemma and chose to learn to write well. His book has been in the Amazon top 100 in its category consistently for almost a year now. One well-known expert called it "the best book written in ten years." Now, the author, who probably does not have a second book to work on, given his life history, has been writing articles for magazines nearly every month. Pretty impressive for someone whose book had potential but we turned down because it was so poorly written, with the advice that he should get a developmental editor or ghost writer or learn to write. He chose the latter, and now that he is retired from a lifelong job, writing is what he does!

Bottom line: Take a look at the bottom line: can you afford it? And, if yes, then think, do you want to go that route? Write down your own pros and cons.

See more Publisher Conversations with Authors HERE.

 Learn more about publishing from an acquisitions editor -- how to get your book proposal accepted, why proposals are turned down/accepted, and how to find the right publisher for your book. On special sale for $5 while inventory lasts at MSI Press webstore. Also available as an e-book and an audiobook.

The Tuesday talks reflect real discussions between the management of MSI Press LLC and our own authors or those would-be authors who come through our doors but don't make the cut--yet. If you have a topic that you would like addressed, leave the question in the comment section. Chances are, in our 18 years of publishing first-time and experiences authors, we have had a conversation with one of our authors that we can share with you.


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