Author in the News: Kelly James talks about grief on the Coffee, Grief, and Gratitude podcast

Kelly James, author of the newly released, popular book The Book That Almost Got Me Fired, was recently a guest on the Coffee, Grief, and Gratitude podcast in the episode, Grief Affects All of Me. From the website: 

Kelly talks about her range of grief from divorce, to the death of her kids’ father, her dad’s death and more. In this engaging, funny, tender conversation Kelly offers fabulous suggestions, like instead of asking someone “How are you?” she asks, “How are you right this second?”


Book description:

You're 52. Divorced. Single mom to a teenaged son and a tween daughter. Happily self-employed but worried about the cost of health insurance, the inevitable impact of perimenopause on your body, and whether you should keep dating a sexy plumber who's sweet and funny but lives an hour away and doesn't seem that into you.

So, after 22 years of fulltime freelancing, you take a day job as a tiny, creaky cog in the corporate American machine where you're decades older than most of your coworkers - and you write about it. The Book That (Almost) Got Me Fired: A Year in Corporate America is an entertaining, midlife memoir that shares what (and what not) to do when you make that corporate leap.

Read more posts about Kelly and her book, click HERE.

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