Book Jewel of the Month: Jesus Is Still Passing By - Amazon review by Zucchiniman


What is a book jewel? A sometimes-overlooked book with remarkable insight and potential significance. Each month, we share near-daily, or as often as possible, reviews of the monthly book jewel - short, succinct reviews that can be read in 1-2 minutes with links to the reviewer by reviewers whose words are worthy of being heard and whose opinions are worthy of being considered. Sometimes a couple of minutes contains more impressive thought than ten times that many. We will let you decide that.

This month's book jewel is Jesus Is Still Passing By by J Bennett Easterling.


Jesus has not limited his miracles to people who lived when he was on earth. Today, miracles continue--and nearly every day someone somewhere reports one.This book, written by award-winning author Bennett Easterling, shines a welcome new light on the miracles of Jesus. Thirty-six miracles are highlighted, then supplemented with helpful background information. Real-life applications applying to our lives today are drawn from each miracle, including powerful true stories of God reaching down and touching people today in miraculous ways. One or two questions are given at the end of each story to help readers reflect on their own faith journey. Readers will find this refreshing new book ideal for both individual devotions and group Bible studies. This edition of Jesus Is Still Passing By contains a study guide for groups that wish to discuss the stories in the book more deeply, looking for applications to their everyday life and experiences.

review by Zucchiniman -

interesting and relevant insights from passages in the Gospel

I had read Bennet Easterling's first book (Of God, Rattlesnakes & Okra) and enjoyed it and passed it around to several friends who also enjoyed it. So, when I heard his second book was out, I immediately ordered it. It does not disappoint. It is completely different from his first book in topic, as his first book is about his experiences growing up, where this book is focused on expounding short passages of scripture from Jesus' time ministering here on earth. What surprises and intrigues me about Mr. Easterling's writing here is how he sees multiple, relevant, and insightful applications from each short passage he discusses – things I just didn’t see. I think this book is probably best read in short bites, like savoring your favorite dessert in small portions.

Pinnacle Book Achievement Award

For more posts about Ben and his books, click HERE.

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