The Best Books of Second Quarter 2024


And the best books of Second Quarter 2024 are ... drumroll! ....

Hot New Releases

Super Spunky Grandmas and Other Amusing Stuff
 by Ken Mogren reached #2 on Amazon's hot new releases in humorous verse.

The Book That (Almost) Got me Fired 
by Kelly James reached #3 on Amazon's hot new releases in business humor.

Amazon Top 100

Greg Bagdade's book, Mental Health Mayday, reached #51 in Psychology Education and Training and #83 in safety and first aid.

Kris Girrell’s book, 
Learning to Feel, reached #60 in biographies of social scientists and psychologists.

Gonyou’s book, Since Sinai, reached #11 in biographies of Judaism.

Steven Greenebaum’s book, An Afternoon’s Dictation, reached #59 in ecumenism.

Steven Greenebaum's book, 
One Family Indivisible reached #74 in ecumenism.

Kelly James' book, The Book That (Almost) Got me Firedreached #33 in the general business humor category and #69 in job hunting.

Larry MacDonald’s book, RV Oopsies, reached #80 in travel humor.

Larry MacDonald's book, Travels with Elly, reached #100 in general Canada travel books.

Bob McGee’s book, A View through the Fog, reached #63 in bridge engineering.

Ken Mogren’s book, Spunky Grandmas and Other Amusing Characters, reached #71 in limericks and humorous verse.

Ken Mogren's book, 
Super Spunky Grandmas and Other Amusing Stuff, reached #18 in humorous verse.

Tony Overbay's and Joshua Shea's book, He's a Porn Addict...Now What?, 
reached #80 in sexual addiction and #295 in sexual health recovery.

Boris Shekhtman’s book, How to Improve Your Foreign Language Immediately, reached #15 in study and teaching references and #35 in academic and commercial writing reference.

Kristin and Andrew Wilcox's book, 
Andrew's Awesome Adventures with His ADHD Brain, reached #197 in attention deficit disorder, a great achievement since this particular category is pretty broad and, therefore, competitive.

(recent releases, sales/discounts, awards, reviews, Amazon top 100 list, author advice, and more -- stay up to date)


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Steven Greenebaum, author of award-winning books, An Afternoon's Discussion and One Family: Indivisible, talking to a reader at Barnes & Noble in Gilroy, California.

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