Tuesday's Tip for Language Learning #15: Brainscape - Mental Management


Excerpt from Think Yourself into Becoming a Language Learning Super Star

Brainscape: Mental Management

Mental Management


What is a goal without a plan? A dream?

Mental management techniques work at turning dreams into reality by requiring the setting of goals and establishing a clear and comprehensive (and do-able) plan. In his book, With Winning in Mind (2011, The Mentashowinl Management System), Lanny Bassham discusses the importance of setting goals and tracking progress. The right—and positive—mental attitude can definitely assist a person in accomplishing his or her goals.


Defining mental management

Mental management is the process of being able to improve your progress or show your prowess while under stress. Have you ever been under stress in a language course? Of course, you have!

If any of these following circumstances apply, you could benefit from training in mental management:

·       You draw a blank on a test even though you know the material well;

·       You have trouble sleeping the night before a big exam;

·       You are so nervous during class that you cannot learn new things because you are afraid that the teacher is going to call on you at any minute;

·       You have much trouble remembering the content of your assignments because you are spending time worrying about what the results of your work on your assignments will be; and/or

·       You feel nauseous during class because you are having trouble keeping up with your classmates.

stress during performance = need for mental management

Developing good mental management

If any of the conditions above describe you, time to develop some good mental management. Good mental management will get you though many difficult activities and help you improve your language performance.

Here are some ways to develop good mental management:

·       Control your conscious thought: don’t be distracted, focus on your goal, visualize you using your language well at an important event (this has the additional value of improving your self-image)—if you can visualize it, you can become it;

·       Plan how you will achieve each step of your goal and visualize those steps; and/or

·       Monitor your level of stress, keeping in mind that moderate amounts of stress release adrenaline which an actually improve performance by focusing your attention and giving you better endurance.

planning + monitoring + visualization = control

Take charge of your thoughts!

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