Tuesday's Tip for Language Learning #18: Affective Dissonance - Self-Guidance


Excerpt from Think Yourself into Becoming a Language Learning Super Star


Self-guidance, self-talk, self-regulation is communication with ourselves and has been observed even in young children (Vygotsky, 1978). Self-guidance can be used to shore ourselves up or tear ourselves down. As they letter, self-guidance is a form of affective dissonance.

In language learning, self-guidance can be positive and promote our soaring to success. Or, it can be negative and push us into flailing into failure. Once recognized, the proper kind of self-guidance can replace debilitating self-guidance.


Defining self-guidance

Self-guidance that is disabling uses such cognitive distortions as filtering and personalizing—to the point of catastrophizing. Negative self-guidance is a powerful tool of self-destruction: motivation, self-esteem, and self-confidence all tumble. (Positive self-talk, on the other hand, brings up significant increases in motivation, self-esteem, and self-confidence.)

Here are statements made by real-life learners who were unconsciously ascribe to negative self-guidance.

·       “I try, but I just can’t do it.”

·       “I’ll never learn all this vocabulary.”

·       “I just don’t get grammar.”

·       “I’m not talented at language learning.”


negative self-talk = self-fulfilling prophecy

Talking yourself into success

In contrast to negative self-talk, positive self-talk can promote success. Say positive things often enough, and you will believe them.

Here are some of the kinds of things you can say:

·       I can do it; I’ve done harder things.

·       I can learn this vocabulary if I use the memorization techniques I was taught.

·       My friend loves grammar; I bet s/he will help me; if s/he gets it, I can, too.

·       I don’t have to be talented; I just have to be diligent and use good learning strategies.

Say “you are a good language learning” repetitively = you believe you are a good language learner


Think can, not cannot!

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