Recently released: Audiobook edition of The Seven Wisdoms of Life (Tubali)


Recently released: the audiobook edition of the popular book, The Seven Wisdoms of Life by Shai Tubali.

Book description:

A Book of the Year finalist and one of the most comprehensive books ever written about the chakras and their role in human life, The Seven Wisdoms of Life is grounded not in esoteric theory but rather in the down-to-earth way we can consciously use the teachings of the chakras in order to become fully balanced and fulfilled human beings. The central idea of the seven wisdoms is that the chakras hold within themselves the seven lessons of life as a whole. Instead of trying to guess what our core understandings in life are, we can see it all reflected in the chakras, which are basically the seven layers of our psyche. With his exciting and accurate ways of observation, Shai Tubali leads the reader through each chakra's teaching and life-journey: a detailed description of the basic psychological themes and psychological reactions of imbalance; precise and practical solutions for various imbalances; the major lesson needed to be learned for each chakra; types of trauma related to the chakra (and how to heal); the personality-type of each chakra and famous people who embody it; type of happiness, meaning and purpose of each chakra; ages of development; collective imprints in each chakra; psychosomatic disturbances; recommended practices to heal and balance the chakra; questionnaires that enable readers to determine their chakra personality type and their current imbalances and understanding.

Paperback copies of this book can be purchased
at 25% discount with coupon code FF25.

For more posts about Shai and his books, click HERE.

Want to buy Shai's books and not have to pay for them?
Ask your local library to purchase and shelve them.

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