Coming Soon! Second Edition, Learning to Feel (Girrell)


Coming Soon! Second edition of the popular and award-winning book, Learning to Feel. Available now on pre-order on Kindle and at the MSI Press webstore! Emotional intelligence on steroids - up close and personal; you will want this, many have already benefitted from reading the first edition.  

Watch for a March 1 release (approximate).

Book description: 

Understanding the complexities of human behavior and emotional response is no real help when it comes to experiencing feelings. In fact, having studied psychology and emotions as a career got in the way. In order to reconnect to his feelings-or what might be called the experience of the emotional experience-the author had to peel back layer upon layer to unlock the many places where his emotive process had been stuck. Learning to Feel may be one person's journey in emotional discovery, but it serves as a set of trail blazes through the dark forest of discovery for others to follow. Each chapter concludes with provocative questions for the reader's own self-exploration.

Independent Press Distinguished Favorite Award
Literary Titan gold award

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