
Showing posts with the label Everybody's Little Book of Everyday Prayers

Daily Excerpt: Everybody's Little Book of Everyday Prayers (MacGregor)

  excerpt from  Everybody's Little Book of Everyday Prayers  (MacGregor): -  Prayers for Everyday Occasions If you’re a person who likes to offer prayers before meals, at bedtime, or on other such specified occasions, you’ll find prayers here that should suit your needs. Here are prayers for both adults and children, starting with prayers you can offer to God on first arising or from within your bed as you wake up. And doesn’t it help make you feel a little bit more centered to say good morning to God and thank Him for a new day before you get going and face the day’s stresses? Morning prayer – new day Dear God, thank You for this new morning, a new start, and a new opportunity, as always. Help me to make the most of the day ahead and not to forget to thank You for whatever blessings this day brings me. Amen. Dear God, on this new morning I thank You for new beginnings. Every day is a chance to start over and improve my life. Please help me to recognize oppor...

Daily Excerpt: Everybody's Little Book of Everyday Prayers (MacGregor)

  excerpt from  Everybody's Little Book of Everyday Prayers  (MacGregor): -  General Prayers Communicating with God for Adults and Children  Sometimes you want to talk to God when it isn’t an occasion or specified time of day and when there isn’t something happening in your life that you want to ask God for or thank God for. You just feel a need to reach out to Him and talk to Him. You might be inspired by an especially pretty sunset, or there may be something else that you want to say that doesn’t fall under a particular prayer category.  I’ve always wondered whether God likes those prayers best—when He hears from us when we want to talk to Him, not to ask him for something or to pray at a time we think we’re supposed to, but “just because.” Don’t you appreciate the phone call from a friend who says, “I was thinking about you, so I thought I’d pick up the phone and say hi”? Don’t you appreciate the spontaneous kiss from your child—or from an...

Daily Excerpt: Everybody's Little Book of Everyday Prayers (MacGregor)

  excerpt from  Everybody's Little Book of Everyday Prayers  (MacGregor): -  Prayers for Everyday Occasions  If you’re a person who likes to offer prayers before meals, at bedtime, or on other such specified occasions, you’ll find prayers here that should suit your needs. Here are prayers for both adults and children, starting with prayers you can offer to God on first arising or from within your bed as you wake up. And doesn’t it help make you feel a little bit more centered to say good morning to God and thank Him for a new day before you get going and face the day’s stresses?  Morning prayer – new day  Dear God, thank You for this new morning, a new start, and a new opportunity, as always. Help me to make the most of the day ahead and not to for get to thank You for whatever blessings this day brings me. Amen.  ##### Dear God, on this new morning I thank You for new beginnings. Every day is a chance to start over and improve my life....